
We've always wanted to tell our story in one form or another, whether we do it through subtle means or through overt ones by writing our stories down in the form of books. We've always wanted to express ourselves, and that desire for self-expression will never go away. We'll always have the urge to show something to the world that we have created. Stories of loss are books that people read when they want to relate to someone who understands their pain and how they feel. Losing someone who means the world to us can be the most terrifying thing ever and can affect us for so long. It's even worse when that person happens to be one's own mother, and it isn't easy to get over that. As a result, we will be taking a look at books on losing your mother and healing from it.

Healing From Loss

Recovering from loss requires a whole process of grieving that one undergoes. The time period of healing can vary between individuals; for some, it's faster than others. However, you have to move forward from the loss at your own pace. Losing someone is never easy, and nothing ever stays the same, but when one desires change, one must take the steps necessary to heal and grow as an individual.

Top 10 Books On Losing Your Mother And Healing From It

We will be presenting you with a list of books that pertain to the topic of healing from the loss of one's mother. The idea behind these books is to share stories of courage, of pain, and of growing from something so devastating.

1. Vanilla Ice Cream‚ Strawberry Smoothies‚ and Lots of Drugs By Richard Caits
This is a book on losing your mother that deals with the healthcare system in the USA. It's the story of the author's mother and her memory, all the while explaining many of the difficulties and shortcomings of the American healthcare system.

2. Healing After the Loss of Your Mother: A Grief & Comfort Manual By Ellaine Malon
This book is a guide written with sensitivity and care for the people who are suffering from the loss of someone so close to them. This book on losing your mother presents a step-by-step guide on what to do and how to heal.

3. How to Survive the Loss of a Parent: A Guide for Adults By Lois F. Akner
This book explains how losing a parent can completely shatter the world of anyone who goes through it. As a result, the book discusses many of the complex emotions that come from such an event and how to deal with them.

4. Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss By Hope Edelman
This book deals with how losing a mother can completely alter the course of a woman's life. The rites of passage are affected so much, as well as many aspects of a woman's life. This is a powerful read that is a work of courage and honesty.

5. Things I Wish I Knew Before My Mom Died: Coping with Loss Every Day By Ty Alexander
This is a book about a woman who had to deal with her entire world being shattered when her mother suffered an illness. She had to learn to be a caregiver, a patient advocate as well as a researcher, and eventually a grieving daughter. This book explores her journey. This book was written as her way of coping with her mother's passing.

6. Grief Is the Thing with Feathers By Max Porter
This book is a story about two young boys who face the painful sadness of their mother's sudden and untimely death. They are constantly visited by a crow, and the crow threatens to stay with them until they no longer need them. As they spend time together with the bird, they begin to heal slowly.

7. Loss: Poems to Better Weather the Many Waves of Grief By Donna Ashworth
This book is about dealing with many of the different waves of grief that come as a result of trauma and loss. The fact of the matter is loss is something that comes to many of us, and we have to learn to cope with it. This book handles the topic by presenting poems that alleviate some of the pain of grief.

8. Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief By Joanne Cacciatore
This is a book that serves as an aid for someone going through the heartbreaking loss of someone they loved. The book is divided into 52 chapters that are written with the intention of helping heal the wounds from the loss.

9. The Long Goodbye By Meghan O'Rouke
This is a book on losing your mother that tells the story of a woman who was deeply hurt and affected by the loss of her mother to cancer. The book shows her time as a caregiver for her mother while she was a caretaker.

10. A Mother Loss Workbook By Diane Hambrook
This is a book on losing your mother, written with respect and care for the subject matter, and shows how one can heal from such a devastating loss.


Hopefully, this article provides one with a better look at the state of the healthcare system within the United States.